Mobile Cuddle Therapist - Perth, WA.
What is Professional Cuddling?
Platonic touch has many wonderful benefits when the awareness of consent and boundaries are present.
A Cuddle Session is a place where you can be your true self, feel seen and heard, experience deep relaxation and be totally present in your body.
Cuddle Therapy offers a safe space to connect in an authentic way, one-on-one, through consensual touch, fully clothed.
I invite you to experience nurturing, nourishing and soothing touch. You deserve it.
I am in Perth, WA and am mobile so I visit you.
Professional Cuddling has been around for at least a decade now and it is relatively new in Australia. There are practitioners all over the globe. It is a growing, ground-breaking and exciting industry offering many benefits.
Cuddling provides mutually beneficial touch that many of us never received in the past or currently do not experience in the present. Much like yoga, meditation, and mindfulness, professional therapeutic touch through cuddling can often be healing and transformative when it happens in a respectful and emotionally safe way.
A session can:
● Improve immunity
● Enhance mood
● Serve as an energetic elixir for all patients, especially those with chronic medical conditions
● Build self esteem
● Increase trust and self reliance
● Decrease anxiety and depression